Zenith Cloud
2 vCores
- 2 vCores - 2.3 GHz
- 7GB of RAM
- cPanel
- unlimited transfer
- 250 Mbps connection speed
- 40GB disk space
- Dedicated Irish IP
Zenith Cloud
4 vCores
- 4 vCores - 2.3 GHz
- 15GB of RAM
- cPanel
- unlimited transfer
- 250 Mbps connection speed
- 90GB disk space
- Dedicated Irish IP
Zenith Cloud
8 vCores
- 8 vCores - 2.3 GHz
- 30GB of RAM
- cPanel
- unlimited transfer
- 500 Mbps connection speed
- 190GB disk space
- Dedicated Irish IP
Web Hosting with dedicated resources:
- dedicated amount of vCores and RAM - vCores and RAM are only for your own disposition, nobody except you can use it.
- dedicated IP address - assigned to your account. Your IP reputation is fully under control.
- standard cPanel interface - manage your webhosting account via well known cPanel interface
- weekly full data offsite backup - don't panic if you lost data you can easly recoverfiles from previous date